Special products
We forge and work metals with passion and expertise.
We have manufactured a variety of large pieces of art and their components. A number of artists have trusted in our skills.
Artists with whom we have worked
- Pekka Jylhä (President Urho Kekkonen’s Memorial)
- Pekka Kauhanen (National Memorial to the Winter War)
- Anish Kapoor (Sky Mirror)

Beach ball Ø 5,0 m
Demanding 3D pieces
We have supplied, among others, sun shade edges for cruise liners and various modification components for wind tunnels and pipelines. We love challenges and thrive in turning even the most particular 3D structures into dimensionally accurate, ready-to-install components.

Wind tunnel modification part


Sky Mirror at Nottingham Playhouse

UKK monument, Lähde

Winter War monument, Valon Tuoja